Configuring ConnectViet on Zoiper – Mac

1. Download the Free ZoiPer softphone from here:

2. Install the Zoiper client on your Mac.

3. Continue as a Free user.

4. Enter the following information which are provided by ConnectViet and “Login”
User name: < sip username > (e.g., Dsip65XXXXXXXX)
Password: < sip password > (e.g., XXXXXXXXX)

5. Hostname: < sip server > (e.g.,

6. Skip authentication and outbound proxy.

7. Skip configuration testing and create account.

8. To check the registration status and settings.
a. Go to Settings > Accounts > Click on your SIP Account and see that there is a green tick icon beside your account (shown below).
b. If it is not registered, click on “register” again in the top right corner.

** Please check the welcome email sent by our team for the dial plan details.

Dial Plan:
Singapore Calls: Dial 8 digit number

Overseas Calls: 00 + < country code > + < area code > + < destination >

For example, to call a China number with the country code 86, enter:  00-44-XXXXXXXXXX.Callacloud